
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Practical Scrappers - Bakers Twine

Good morning everyone! Our challenge today over at Practical Scrappers was to use Bakers Twine on a layout, but...we were asked to come up with something that wasn't the norm.

Now, I did use my bakers twine for my banner, which is about as normal as you can get for baker's twine on a scrapbook layout. But in addition to that, I decided to use my baker's twine to make stars. How did I do it? I simply used a star shaped piece of paper (cut with one of my punches) as a template. I traced around my template with a pencil and then covered the pencil outline with a thin line of glue. After that, I lay my twine along the line of glue and...Voila! Bakers twine stars.

Now for those of you who are thinking my banner looks a little familiar, you are absolutely correct.

Did I use this exact same banner in my last Practical Scrappers LAYOUT? Yes, I did. Did I love the way the banner looked so much I just couldn't help myself and HAD to use it again? You betcha! Do I care that I have two layouts practically in a row using the same thing? Not one little bit! *smile*

The teeny tiny letters from the center of my banner were also put to use in my little cluster around my picture, see?

And the paper star by the bottom corner of my picture? That's my template for my baker's twine stars.

Now it's your turn. Pull out some twine or floss or string and challenge yourself to do something a little out of the ordinary with it on your next project. I double dog dare you!!!


  1. Love the repetition with the twine stars and the template star + how you repeated the word "star" in the banner and then beside the photo (I also love how your banner is double-sided paper and that the word cuts through so you can see the backside of the paper!!!) Coolness!

  2. Love this! Love the twine stars, and love, LOVE your banner!! :)

  3. Awesome! to quote your layout. I think the twine stars are great b/c they add dimension without too much bulk, you know?
