
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Am Back - with Pretty Little Studio!

I am back with PRETTY LITTLE STUDIO, and I can't think of a better layout to lead with than this one featuring Lou, one of my beautiful daughters, taken during one of the happiest days of her (and my) life - her wedding.  I created this for PLS using the NEAPOLITAN, BABY JACK, and BIRTHDAY CAKE collections - some of the happiest collections I can think of!

Very quickly, let me apologize for not dazzling you with my brilliant scrapbooking abilities for the last month (insert laugh track here).  I had some serious family issues that took awhile to be resolved, and then I have spent the past few weeks playing catch-up with the rest of life that didn't want to stand still and wait for me while I was trying to get my "shiz-nit" together - pretty rude of life, if you ask me!  But I am back in the saddle, so to speak, and want to catch up - so grab some coffee and stay a little while.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

And - playing catch up, here are several other layouts that I created for Pretty Little Studio recently.  I have truly loved the way each and every one has turned out!

My Always layout (packed full of symbolism):

Two fun cards that I absolutely adore.  A little bit of whimsy always brightens my day:

This layout  - featuring a spring photo I took of The Huntress - and more of those fun Pretty Little Studio paper ribbons that I adore so much!

I had a lot of fun with the layering of this one:

And - finally - these two layouts that I have affectionately dubbed "twinsies" - why?  Because even though I created them weeks apart, they ended up looking almost exactly the same!  Clearly my brain likes something about this design!

Twin 1, or Smaty Pants:

I love this layout and have to share a few close-ups:

And...Twin 2 a/k/a This Girl.  Also notice how I have used the same "this moment" journaling card for my selfie layout.  Yep, I like that particular journaling card a lot.  Quite frankly, I have an obsession with ALL of the Pretty Little Studio journaling tags and cards.  

A couple of close-ups:

Whew!  I feel like I just ran a marathon!  Did you make it to the end with me?  Well, if you did, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!  And thank you - thank you so much for sticking with me!


  1. Sooo glad to have you "back"!!! I love all of these and the twin dies rock!!

  2. Love, love, love your layouts and cards!!!! Wow!!
