
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Honey Bunny

Today is the Hubster's birthday.  I can't tell you how old he is without him divorcing me, but let's just say he is at the "distinguished-looking" age.  And if you guessed "distinguished-looking" appears to be about 59 years old - well, you just might be correct!  I won't tell, though!  No matter - he is handsome and kind and wonderful.  I wouldn't trade him for anything, and I thought today was the perfect day to tell my honey-bunny exactly that.  And, of course, I posted it all to PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS where I am up today (but don't worry, I didn't tell them my man was 59 either).
Here is my layout:
I used more of my MY CREATIVE SCRAPBOOK kit that I received as one of the April Guest Designers.  So far, I have created 3 layouts and 3 cards using the main kit, and I STILL have stuff left over!  That's a pretty awesome kit if you ask me!
I had fun adding these layers.  I started with a border of my yellow paper that I made using my Silhouette Cameo.  Then I sewed a layer of lace on top, making sure to leave the bottom tips of the yellow border exposed.  My last step was to sew these adorable "LOVE" tags on top of everything.  I couldn't resist adding a heart button!
And I love this little cluster.  I layered, adding pop dots to some parts for increased depth, until it was j-u-s-t right. 
Finally, here is the card I made - simple, yes.  But perfect for my best (and only) guy!
That's it for me today, but I will be back tomorrow to show you a homemade birthday gift I made for my man.  It was simple, it was easy, and it is SUPER cute!  Stay tuned...
In the meantime, go check out all the cool stuff going on at PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS, like these ideas for using TWINE or SEQUINS.  That's right, I said sequins!


  1. Happy birthday to your hubby...LOVE this LO and card. Such fun.

  2. I saw your layout over on the PS blog. It's so fun! And it's so nice to meet a fellow crafter from Houston! Yay for Texas! :)
