
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Y'all Stay Tuned...

I need to apologize to everyone who has been following my blog - you may have noticed that I have been absent for the last few weeks.  But it was for a completely worthwhile cause - I think. 

I am a senior litigation paralegal, and we had a case - a big case - that hit a nerve in me.  Because of a company's carelessness, a young mother is paralyzed from the chest down, with no chance of walking again.  She also suffered a severe brain injury, which - among other things - has caused her to lose the use of one of her arms.  She has two small daughters that she will never be able to hold.  She is the same age as one of my older daughters.  So for the last two weeks, I worked 191.25 hours.  Two other incredible paralegals and I pretty much worked round the clock.  Our attorneys tried the case and we won!  But you know what?  The thought that keeps going through my head is - she would give every single penny back to be able to hold her daughters again.  I am pretty sure we had what you would call a bittersweet victory.  To read the link about our case, click HERE.

So, here I am - finally back home and finally feeling like I have had enough sleep after pretty much sleeping round the clock for the past two days.  Posting this layout that was featured in Practical Scrappers lately, featuring my youngest daughter who I am so very thankful to be able to hold and hug.  Hope you like it, and hope you stick around.  I will be back with more projects soon!

A few close-ups until then...

Happy weekend!  Hope it's full of hugs and happy memories in the making!


  1. Ca-ute!!! So glad to have you back sweets!!!

  2. Definitely bittersweet. But glad the case was won for her and her family. Just sad :(
    Beautiful layout!!

  3. Unbelievable! So glad the team had you working so hard to help this family get the support it deserves! Thank you for your diligence and for sharing this case!

  4. First of all...that page is wonderful. LOVE all the amazing details and the happy colors. Gosh...sounds like a heck of a few weeks. I agree with you---seems like a hallow victory ---what a sad story. Hugs to you---it must be very physically and emotionally draining...
