
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

This Happened...

These last couple of months have sure been busy for me!  For those of you wondering where I have been...this happened...

My daughter Lou and my son-in-law recently purchased their very first home.  It has a great floor plan and is in a wonderfully established neighborhood.  But, it is an older home that needed a little love.  And I have been helping give it some TLC, in the form of sanding and painting walls and, currently, taking kitchen cabinet doors off and sanding, deglossing, and repainting them.  It has been a lot of fun, and I have been so happy to be able to help them.  

I also just finished directing my first play at one of our local community theaters - which I absolutely loved doing!  We had sold out performances almost every weekend for five weeks and got great reviews.  I definitely can't wait to do that again!

But, my favorite thing - my very favorite thing lately - has been growing my little photography business.  I was recently asked by a good friend of mine, who also happens to be a photographer, to take pictures of his three daughters.  Like many children, they don't always want to smile for their dad.  So I was recruited to take some headshots and generally updated photos, and the results were wonderful!  

Without further ado, here are a few of my favorites of the three beautiful, vivacious Rule sisters...

The oldest insisted she was not photogenic.  I beg to disagree!  She is so pretty, and her personality clearly shines through in these pictures!

The middle daughter is quieter - a little more reflective.  She knew exactly what she wanted to try with her photos, so I just followed her and clicked away.

And the youngest, she just wanted me to finish taking her photos so she could run around in the grass and do cartwheels.  But she did manage to stay still long enough to get the shots her family wanted.  She is such a little cutie pie!

Like my photos?  If you do, I would love it if you would "like" my Facebook page - KCMckee Photography, which can be found HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by!