
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Zombie Apocolypse - How We Take a Family Photo

Don't think I ever shared this layout on my blog (don't quite know how that happened) and I SO want to make sure it doesn't get left out because 1) it is made using Pretty Little Studio's Nature Walk Collection that I luuurrrrvvvveeee, and 2) because it has one of those extremely rare photos that includes ALL of our children - at the same time!

We tried to take a nice, normal photo like a nice, normal family.  We really did.  But did I choose any of the nice, normal pics to use for our family photo?  NO!  Instead, I chose the one where, right before I clicked my camera remote, I yelled out, "The zombies are coming!  Quick - what should we do?!"  And...this is what I got.  Yes, I am there doing my super stealthy ninja zombie move - it's apparently designed to kill zombies by making them laugh to death, or maybe that's laugh to a more complete state of undeath....whatever. But I love this pic, and I love our crazy family! *smile*

Want a few close-ups?  Here you go!

Happy Thursday, y'all!  The weekend is almost here!


  1. super, love, love and adore this!

  2. That is a fantastic family portrait. You guys look like you have fun! And I love all the layers you put on your page!
