
Monday, September 23, 2013

#supercool - Practical Scrappers


The Huntress, who is now a bona fide teenager is always posing like this - flashing a peace sign and giving a big, glassy-eyed fake smiley face.  I actually asked her one time W-H-Y she kept posing like that and I got a reply that went something like, "(shrugging her shoulders) I don't k-n-o-w.  It's just (rolling her eyes and acting like my i.q. is entirely too low to ever understand), like, how I like to pose okay?  I believe in peace.  Sorry you didn't have Facebook when you were a kid."  Seriously, that was what she said to me.  Although my teen is all about peace and love, I'm not quite ready to sign her up for the Peace Corps just yet.  After a little cyber-stalking, it seems that 93.999% of the Huntress' peers are all striking identical poses.  The other 7% are a little behind the times and haven't figured out that the duck face is so five minutes ago...
Now you know me.  I'm hip.  I'm trendy.  And by golly, I'm always up for embarrassing showing my child I've still got some coolness in me.  So, after hours of intense practice in front of a mirror, I think I have got the look down perfectly!  What do you think???  Oh, and I am sure it was entirely accidental that my teen de-friended me on Facebook...
Want to make a layout like this one (with or without the awesome pose)?  I used this SKETCH by My Minds Eye as well as papers from the CUT AND PASTE COLLECTION.
As part of a PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS assignment with the On Trend Team, I used a stencil and a black marker to create a bottom "layer" of pattern around my photo
I fussy cut patterns from one of my papers and sewed them on at an angle to mimic the stenciled pattern on my layout.
And, of course, my layout would not be complete without my super long title, complete with a hashtag!
That's it for me!  Have you embarrassed your child lately???


  1. Well, I always knew you were one pretty cool chica but this just sealed the deal! Great layout, Krissy!

  2. What a cool layout! Love how you used the MME on it!!!
