
Friday, March 22, 2013

Junque Mini Album (Pretty Little Studio)

It's Friday!  Let's all give a great big Texas "Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw!"  And to celebrate, I want to show you this super fun Junque (that's junk spelled the fancy way, don't you know) Mini-Album that I created for PRETTY LITTLE STUDIO!

First, can you guess what my pages were made from?  Each and every one of them, except for a couple of the journaling tag inserts, was created from my packaging that my Pretty Little Studio supplies came in.  That's right, I even used the cellophane wrappers - nothing went to waste - my Grandmama would be so proud of me!

Now, for details and instructions on how I made this mini-album, check me out on the PRETTY LITTLE STUDIO BLOG.  And, hey, leave some love over there while you're at it please - pretty please?  Pretty please with a cherry on top???

Okay, enough talking from me - I am just going to sing along with Rebecca Black in my head and show you my junque pages.  When I tell you I had fun making this album, I am not exxagerating.  Wait, exaggerating???  Hmmm...e-x-   uhhhh...Anyway, I had F-U-N - so much, that I just kept making one page after another!  Here they are:

Yep, that's my goofy face giving the big cheesy grin.  I was going to a crop with some friends, though, so can you blame me?  See my tag that seems to be just attaching itself to the insert next to it?  It's actually in a pocket made from my cellophane wrapper - kinda cool, huh?

Page Two is my son and his girlfriend - cutest young couple ever.  Seriously.

Page Three - that's my Hunterific girl.  She's so shy and reserved - not!  I don't know about you, but I LOVE that PLS paper with the bright yellow hearts.  It makes my heart happy just looking at it!

Page Four - Look!  Is it a snow globe or a mini-album page?!?!?!  I had SO.MUCH.FUN. making this page! (When you say so much fun in capital, bolded letters with periods in between each word, you know it's a lot of fun!)

Page Five - I loved digging out my stickles and cutting off a few pom poms from my ribbon and trim stash to decorate this page!

Page Six - nope, not done yet!  Told you I had a lot of fun making this album...

Page Seven - I love all these vintage tags that PLS makes!

Page Eight - I used a little piece of wax paper in front of my paper for this insert - I just liked the extra layer it added...

Page Nine - A super double feature about the man who stole my heart! I glued the football player to my word card (both made by PRETTY LITTLE STUDIO, of course) and traced around it with my marker to make it look like a vintage paper doll.

Page Ten (almost at the end)...

Anddddd...the very last page.  Whew! *wiping sweat off brow*

That's it for me today!  Heading off to work now - but I hope I have inspired you to take your ordinary junk and turn it into JUNQUE!

Peace, love, and art my friends -


  1. OH WOW! You really went all out! I LOVE it!

  2. This is just awesome!!! LOVE everything about it...especially the doodling and funny pics!
