
Friday, October 12, 2012

She's a Tween (Practical Scrappers)

Happy Friday everyone!  I'm off to the office this morning, where I will be gazing out my window daydreaming about my upcoming weekend of scrappy fun...doing a little online, planning my next vacation...ahem, I mean diligently working hard type...stuff.

So anywho, even though Friday is always an awesome day, it is even more so today because I am up over at the Practical Scrappers blog today - whoo hoo!  Want to know what the PS blog is all about?  Well, I'm not going to tell you - you will just have to check it out by clicking on the link right here -------> PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS.
Oh!  Before you go - want to see a few close-ups and find out a little bit more about my fun layout that I completed last weekend at my crop?  Here you go:
I used AMERICAN CRAFTS' Ready Set Go papers (which I lurrrrvvvvv) - the little word bubbles that I fussy cut were perfect for my layout about my tween.
Of course, my layout wouldn't be complete with a cluster of goodies somewhere.
I loved combining the images on my papers with stickers, rub ons and pop-dotted buttons and paper pieces to create layers.  No sewing machine at my crop - no problem!  I just doodled instead (on everything)!
That's all for me.  Now go forth and scrapbook!

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