
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Linking with Love with Practical Scrappers

I love learning new techniques, and I especially love it when I see a layout that inspires me to try something different. The important thing, though, is to give credit where credit is due. You may not remember where you got a certain idea or inspiration - goodness knows that has happened to me! But if you do recall, and if you are blogging about it - why not add a quick link to share where the idea originated? That's what the other ladies and I are doing over at PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS today.

I love the more minimalist look of layouts with random clusters of ephemera around a smaller photo. But I'm still learning how to make that style my own. So, when I saw this LAYOUT by Mademoiselle Severine on Pinterest, I was inspired to give it a try. Is my layout a "Lift" of hers? I don't think so. But the placement of the picture and the small odds and ends placed around the picture were definitely inspired by her layout. And because of that, I believe I should extend the courtesy of linking the source of my inspiration.

For more of Mademoiselle Severine's wonderful work, please feel free to visit her BLOG.

Hope you have a great day! And if you get a chance, I would love to hear your thoughts about when credit should be given for inspiration and where you draw the line.

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