
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Building a "Library" of Book Boxes with Lori Whitlock

I'm going to tell you a little secret. When I am not scrapbooking, I am reading. All.The.Time. I read in the morning, on the days when I take the commuter bus to work. I read at lunchtime. I read in the evening, to relax before bedtime. You get the picture, right? So, when I saw that Lori Whitlock designed boxes that look like books, I was hooked! I mean, making something that looks like my favorite non-scrapbooking activity is pretty much a no-brainer for me.

And let me tell you, these BOOK BOXES designed by Lori Whitlock pretty much have everything going for them. First, they are super cute. Second, they can be used for more than one thing, which is always a plus. Third, they are wonderfully easy and fast to make. For someone who failed making construction paper houses in grade school, even I can make these!!! I spent more time picking out papers and decorating my book boxes than actually assembling them! Of course, Lori Whitlock thinks of everything, and she has a VIDEO TUTORIAL for putting together the box, just in case you want to make sure you are making it correctly.

My original intent was to make one box to show you, but I had so many ideas popping into my head (and did I mention they were so easy to make???), that before I knew it, I had made three!

My first book box holds a notepad and a pen and is sitting out right next to my house phone. Now (hopefully) when someone calls and I need to take a message, I won't be frantically searching for a piece of paper (or a pen that works)!

The bird on a branch is from Lori's SPRING COLLECTION; and the label and the font used for the alphas on my book box are cutting files created by Lori at the SILHOUETTE STORE.

My second book box is a gift for my older daughter and her fiance because they are in luurrrvvveee and they enjoy writing little love notes to each other. This box is completely filled with (lots and lots of) heart-shaped pieces of paper so they can easily pull one out and jot down a few sweet words to each other whenever the mood strikes.

I used the Block Love for the letters on the cover of my book box and the Nested Hearts for the blank notes inside the box, both from Lori's VALENTINE'S COLLECTION.

I especially love my third box, which is used to hold a collection of old family photographs that my mother recently gave to me. I used mod-podge on my papers to make my book box sturdier, and I sewed decorative trim in between the inner and outer layers of my book cover. I also made this book box about an inch larger than the other two boxes so it could hold a few larger photos in my newly acquired collection.

I used Lori's banner set found with her decorative items HERE and these wonderful layered hearts, from her Valentine's Collection.

If you are thinking you are ready to start your own library of Book Boxes, you are in luck because...drum roll please...Lori is having a sale! Woot-Woot!

But wait, that's not all! To give you extra inspiration, we are also having a whirlwind, fun, crazy BLOG HOP to kick off Lori's sale and to help you come up with some fabulous Valentine's ideas!

But wait! There's more! In addition to the blog hop and the sale...
...that's right, Lori will be giving away a free shape each day! Now THAT is love...true love...

Be sure to check back on the 2nd. I can't WAIT to show you what I've made. You're going to like it, I just know you are!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Clusters and Layers, Oh My!

I don't know about you, but I LOVE creating clusters of paper loveliness on my layouts and projects. Pre-made flowers from the scrapbook store are always lovely, but I MUCH prefer making my clusters of paper flowers with my Silhouette Cameo and Lori Whitlock's wonderful designs found in the Silhouette STORE. For a little added layering, I used one of Lori's Flourishes and simply cut it into several pieces to place around my cluster. I added some MME brads and embellishments from the Lost and Found Collection and a Jenni Bowlin butterfly (that was sitting forgotten in a drawer)to complete my cluster.

A Close-Up (or two):

A little sewing, inking and a sweet title (also by Lori Whitlock in the Silhouette store), and my layout was complete!

Want more inspiration for creating the perfect cluster? Well, you are in luck! Check out all the wonderful ideas that the Practical Scrappers ladies have come up with HERE!

And for more Lori Whitlock designs, be sure to check out her online blog and STORE!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Challenge Yourself!

Are you sitting around trying to get a little scrappy inspiration this Sunday afternoon? I was in the same boat until I found this GREAT challenge going on over at the LET'S CAPTURE OUR MEMORIES forum. It's the 8 Week Challenge, which is exactly what it sounds like. A new challenge is posted each week. You can complete the challenges in any order, at your own pace, as long as all are completed at the end of the 8th week. What's the prize? A $50 gift card to the LCOM store!!! I created this layout for Week 1, and I am getting ready to work on a Monochromatic Challenge for Week 2. Week 3's challenge has just been posted, so there is lots of time left to play!!!

Want some more challenges? Check out BIRDS OF A FEATHER , which has 4-5 new challenges posted each month. They run from the first of the month to the end of the month, so there is plenty of time left to play along with the wonderful Scrap Chicks!

Still need a little inspiration? Well, then, head on over to PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS , which has ideas for every type of layout imaginable over at Idea Central. And while you are over there, take the time to vote for the FANTASTIC layouts that have been submitted for the Layout Contest.

And now, a few words about my layout before I sign off and get started on my next project. The LCOM Week 1 Challenge was to use more than 3 pictures, use a square shape, and have "2011" in the title. I knew immediately that I wanted to do a grid layout, but I had just recently completed a LAYOUT with my favorite pictures taken during 2011 so I had to think of something different. I decided to go with completely random favorites (a book, a movie, a website, a drink, and a take-out food) and chose a (long) title to reflect my idea.

This bottom cluster of...randomness...started as just an envelope and journaling tag behind my picture. But I kept adding little bits and pieces until I ended up with this:

Signing off and heading back to my scrap table!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Journaling with Practical Scrappers

I am a HUGE fan of journaling - in fact, it was one of the big reasons I began scrapbooking. So when the ladies over at PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS said they were going to do a blog post dedicated to journaling, I jumped at the chance to join in!

Since it's January, I thought I would blog about my one big New Year's Resolution - to run. I loved running in the past, and I WILL love running again. Even if it kills me - hahahahahaha!

I started out by using a sketch I found over at SKETCHY THURSDAYS. Then I grabbed some fantastic Theresa Collins papers that my BESTIE and I picked out this past weekend at our favorite LSS. And then, I just...ran with the challenge! Sorry, I couldn't resist!!!

No journaling tags for me this time. I just wrote what I am feeling directly on my background paper...

One more shot showing the layers that I love so much.

That's all for me right now. But if you are looking for more journaling inspiration, be sure to check out all the cool ideas at PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS that the other wonderful DT members have come up with!

Gotta run!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Video Tutorial - How to Make a File Folder Accordian Album

Good morning! I am getting ready to run out the door - got a crazy day ahead, but I wanted to show you my video tutorial on how to make a file folder accordian album, which I used to hold my Project Family tags. If the video seems a little disjointed, is. I took a page out of my hubby's book and said, "I don't need no stinking instructions!" prior to making this accordian folder, and I just kind of made it up as I went along. The project turned out well, and the video seems to make sense. My husband even nodded along and said he understood it - but that may have simply meant that he didn't want to film and edit anymore!

For the fun Project Family journaling tags (and to read more about my Project Family), check out my previous entry!

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project Family

So, a few weeks ago, I was chatting with my BIRDS OF A FEATHER sisters, and we were discussing whether we would be doing any daily or monthly projects for the 2012 year. It was a pre-coffee conversation for me, and I incorrectly called one of those projects - Project Family. After confessing to the other ladies that I had misnamed another popular monthly project and there was no such thing as Project Family - I said to myself, "Well why not? There SHOULD be a Project Family!" And I set about to create my own Project, project.

I knew it had to have these requirements: Simple, fast (so that we will actually commit to keeping up with it), inexpensive (because I already spend enough money on my scrapbooking supplies), and something that every member of my family can do. This is what I came up with:

First, I took this old wine bottle box that I purchased for 50 cents at a garage sale.

I have nothing against lighthouses (or wine bottle boxes for that matter), but it didn't match my decor. So...I used my January BOAF KIT , full of AUTHENTIQUE papers and other goodies, and turned it into this...
A Few Close-Ups:

Inside the box is a simple file folder accordian album that I created, which is designed to hold my Project Family Journaling Tags (and enough room left over inside the box to hold any extra little mementos I pick up in 2012).

The front of the accordian album looks like this:

It opens up to reveal six panels on each side (for a total of twelve) with pockets to hold my Project Family Tags.

The tags have simple questions which can quickly be answered by each family member at the end of every month. I left the front of my pockets blank as I plan to put my favorite picture taken each month on the front. At the end of the year, we will have the highs and lows of the past twelve months to review - little things that we most likely would have forgotten had we not taken just a few minutes to write them down (on my handy-dandy tags).

Want to download the tag so you can create your own Project Family? Just click on this Picture and save!

Want to learn how to make my file folder accordian album to hold my Project Family journaling tags? Be sure to check back Tuesday for another video tutorial!

Peace Out!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Practical Scrappers Contest!

First some good news! 2012 Has really started off with a bang for me! I am excited to have been named to the Design Team for PRACTICAL SCRAPPERS as I am always stalking perusing their site when I need ideas and inspiration (which is pretty much all the time)!

And, to help get your New Year started on a good note, Practical Scrappers is kickstarting 2012 with a layout contest! If you are thinking to yourself that your Christmas tree still needs to be taken down, snow needs to be shoveled (for those of you who live FAR north of Texas), the kids are sick and you just don't have TIME to create a layout - well, no worries! To get entered, you don't have to create something new! All you have to do is this: email a picture of your favorite layout that you have created in the last two months to by midnight CST on Friday, January 13th. You must include your name, blog address (if applicable), and state or country of residence.

Best of all, Practical Scrappers is offering over $100 worth of prizes from sponsors such as Momenta, Creative Charms, The Paper Bakery, The Robin's Nest, Scrappin' Sports, and Boys Rule Kit Club (and quite possibly more)!

For details on how this contest will work, go HERE!

Ready - Set - Go!

Monday, January 2, 2012

These Moments Are Special

Yesterday, I was listening to my son talking to my youngest daughter, who is six years younger. He was playing a video game, and he was explaining everthing he was doing and how the game worked to her. She was asking questions and generally basking in the attention he was paying to her. It didn't matter that he was having a technical discussion of a game that she would never be interested in playing on her own - she was just thrilled that her big brother, who she absolutely adores, was paying attention to her. So, of course, I had to create this layout (using fabulous Authentique papers, which have quickly become a favorite to me, and a sketch found on the Authentique BLOG)so that I will remember my little girl's hero worship of her big brother!

I loved everything about these papers! I even loved the Tolstoy quote included at the bottom of the paper (yes, the part that you throw away) - so I cut it out and used it, too! See?

This bracket and frame were originally hot pink. A little black Zig marker and they are now exactly the right color for my layout!

I am so happy to be ringing in the new year with several project ideas that I can't wait to share with you, so be sure to stay tuned...

Authentique Supplies Used
Authentique Blissful Collection (Happiness, Euphoria, Prosperity)
Authentique Foundations Bi-Fold Solid Paper
Authentique Icons
Authentique Petite Type Square Alphas