
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I [heart] Steampunk

Yesterday, I finally had the chance to play with my new collection of Graphic 45 Steampunk Debutante papers, and I loved every minute of it! The only problem is - there are so many images I want to cut out that I think I am going to have to get a second pack of papers if I want to use the patterned pages on the opposite sides. The only downside to using only images from the same paper pack is that I almost feel as if everything is a little "too" coordinated. Perhaps next time I will mix things up a little more.

My picture is one of our recent vacation shots - proof that any photo will work for a Steampunk layout. I realy enjoyed continuing the sand and water from the photo onto the layout. I simply took some scrap cardboard that came with one of my recent paper purchases and continued the shore and water lines with gold paint on one side and a mixture of blue and green distress ink on the other, then covered it all with stickles - blue for the water and a walnut stain for the sand.

For those of you in Cyberland who enjoy the steampunk style - what themed photos have you used for your layouts? And what would you like to see? Steampunk school photos? A steampunk Christmas maybe? I would love to see and hear your ideas and suggestions!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Goodbye Summer

Summer will officially be gone after this weekend, not that you would know it here in Houston where the temperatures still reach the mid-90's every day.

We just returned from an end-of-summer cruise aboard the Carnival Ecstasy where we traveled from Galveston to Cozumel and back to Galveston. It was our first cruise, and I highly recommend it for anyone wanting a four day get-away! The family and I spent a week in Cozumel last year, but we still managed to find new things to do during our day long excursion on the island. We rented dune buggies and drove to Carlos and Charlies - another place I highly recommend - for several hours of fun on the beach. There was ample shady seating along gorgeous white sandy beaches,and the staff made perfect drink and entertainment recommendations. The kids (adult and younger) played in the crystal blue water and jumped on a floating trampoline anchored in the ocean just a short swim away. We then went parasailing aboard the Hakuna Matata II, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It wasn't the least bit scary, and the bird's eye view that you get of the island ocean while up in the air is worth every penny...or peso as the case may be.

We next drove to Coconuts on the rocky side of the island for a late lunch. Although the "inside" of this restaurant is covered with t-shirts and signs that were of a decidedly graphic nature (enough to make me put my hands over the youngest child's eyes), the outside seating overlooking the rocky shore is spectacular. And the same can be said for the food - spectacular. It's all simple stuff, nothing fancy, but full of flavor and had me literally licking my fingers to get the very last bit of flavorful goodness! The pico de gallo served with the homemade chips had quite a kick (enough to make my eyes water) but, again, the flavor was SO good that I just couldn't resist having one more bite. A word of warning to anyone wanting to eat at Coconuts (and you really should give it a try if you are visiting Cozumel), they do NOT take credit cards - but they do take dollars.

As my little tribute to the end of summer, here are some layouts I completed over the past several months - all of which are appropriately themed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Baby is a Star

Some of you who know me know that my wonderfully precocious little daughter, Hunter, was bitten by the acting and singing bug about four years ago. Since then, I have walked the fine line of trying to encourage, but not push, her. I waited a couple of years after her first play before putting her in a film acting class. And now, at her request, we recently signed with an agent in Houston. Our agreement is that she will get to keep and spend 10% of her net earnings and the remainder will go into her college savings account. I am hoping this will allow her to enjoy her acting experiences but also give her the means to one day attend the college of her choice without having to worry about student loans.

Part of the agent submission process is to have a photo shoot done so as to get one or more headshots. We chose the fabulously talented Kristine Canterbury, who spent about two hours taking photos of Hunter and then provided me with an entire cd full of gorgeous photos! Of course, this appealed to my scrapbooking addiction as I quickly realized I had over 100 photos of one of my favorite scrapbooking subjects at hand! Here at just two layouts I recently did with photos of Hunter taken by Kristine. (For anyone in the Houston area interested in getting fantastic headshots, please check out Kristine's site at

Anyway, here are my two latest efforts using photos from Hunter's photo shoot.

Finally, for anyone interested, I have attached the link to Hunter's YouTube clip with her two monologues to this blog title - enjoy!