
Monday, May 31, 2010

My Current Favorite Colors

I don't know what it is about the color combination of blue and green, but it is currently my favorite combination when creating my scrapbook layouts! I have to force myself to use other colors and papers! And I'm not talking about dark pine greens or navy blues (although the ocassional darker accent provides a nice contrast), I'm talking about aqua, sea-green, baby blue, spring green, carribean blue, kiwi! Add some black and white pictures to that color palette, and I think you have the perfect spring or summer layout!

I'm sure I will get tired of this palette eventually, but right now I'm quite happy scrapping it out of my system. What are you current favorite colors to use?

Friday, May 21, 2010

No More Baskin Robbins!

I love the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup milkshakes at Baskin Robbins. But I am determined that I am not going to get any more because: 1)each milkshake has about a bezillion calories in it which I do NOT need, 2) all those calories inevitablty put me into a suger coma and all I want to do is sleep for about an hour or two, and 3) I always, always end up with an upset stomach and just feel nasty and gross for the rest of the day. Those milkshakes are sooooooo good, but they aren't worth everything that seems to come with them!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

At last!

Finally, my daughter's college graduation has come and gone. The relatives have left, the festivities have ended, and I am back at home once again catching up on laundry and cleaning!

The graduation ceremony was so exciting - I cried a little bit when all the graduates walked out into the auditorium. I think I was the proudest Mommy there, no matter what all the other parents think. I took over 100 photos and fully plan to scrap most of them!

Here is the first, created from a sketch designed by my good friend Alda, whose blog is found here: