
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Spring is definitely here in Texas as evidenced by all the bluebonnets and wildflowers that have been out in profusion this past month. A tradition we try to follow (along with many other families in this part of Texas) is to take family pictures amidst all the flowers. Here are a few layouts I've done from the pictures I took several weeks ago. I've got many more pictures to go because, of course, they are ALL favorites...if I'm lucky, I may have them all scrapped by Halloween!

Monday, April 5, 2010


It seems like just yesterday I was driving my second daughter, Lindsey, through torrential rains so she could attend Freshmen Orientation at Texas State. We called ahead to advise that we were running late due to the extremely bad weather, and I remember asking what building we needed to go to since the orientation would already be under way. I was told to look for a beige building that was several stories tall. Imagine our surprise and dismay when we arrived on campus and ALL of the building were beige, most were multi-storied!
Now, less than seven weeks away, my daughter will be walking across the stage in her cap and gown. During these past four years, I have seen Lindsey consistently named to the Dean's List, inducted into the Honor Society, become the President of the Women's Soccer Club, and lead her soccer teammates to a third-place finish in Nationals. She has done all this while holding down one, sometimes two, jobs. My baby has grown up determined and always ready to face the next challenge placed before her.
Here's to you, kiddo. Today college, tomorrow graduate school, and afterwards - the world! I am so proud that I have the privilege to be your mother!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, and I am brought to my knees when I think of the enormous sacrifice that was made so that I, a person full of mistakes and misdeeds, could have a direct relationship with God. There are times that I feel absolutely unloveable, and it humbles me when I realize that no matter how ugly and unworthy I feel on the inside, I am loved and I am forgiven. And that certainty gives me the impetus to try to be better - try to be worthy.

Spring is here in full bloom! Birds are outside chirping loudly and building nests. The Azaleas and Indian Hawthorne are blooming. Thankfully, my oleanders which appeared to have been completely killed by the several incidences of below-freezing weather are starting to develop buds of new growth. I am pretty sure I've lost two palm trees, but it may be another month or so before I know for sure. I am definitely ready to get out in my yard (before it goes from warm to hotter than Hades) and do some gardening - maybe plant a few things.

My plan today is to take the Huntress out in full Easter regalia and take pictures. There are several quite picturesque locations in my neighborhood with large rocks surrounded by flowering bushes and trees, and I think they would make the perfect backdrop. Afterwards, we plan to dye and decorate Easter eggs; and then I will most likely play with my scrapbook goodies until I can no longer hold my eyes open.

Speaking of pictures, my middle daughter who is a senior in college, has asked me to take her senior pictures to send out with her graduation announcements. The middle child has always been extremely particular about having things done just right. For her to ask this amateur photographer to take her senior pictures is an enormous honor. I think it's a sign that I am moving into the right direction with my photography skills.